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Jesus Meraz
Community School Coordinator
Operations Team
Gabriela Molina
3rd Grade Teacher
DSES Teachers
Miguel Navarro
Operations Team
Bridget O'Boyle
Lead From Within Instructional Coach (PT)
Support Stuff
Georgina Olivares
Administrative Assistant
Operations Team
Steve Ortiz
Campus Technology Coordinator
Operations Team
Heidi Owens
Physical Therapist
Student Support Team
Jordan Pollard
7th & 8th Grade ELA Teacher
DSMS Teachers
Maria Del Carmen Ponce
DSES Teachers
Isabel Ramirez
Operations Team
Mariana Ramirez
Diverse Learners Team
Krista Rangel
School Social Worker
Student Support Team
Ian Ransdell
Enrichment Teacher
Enrichment Teachers
Nancy Rios
School Monitor
Support Staff
Guadalupe Ruiz
School Monitor
Support Staff
Jennifer Rutkowski
4th Grade Teacher
DSES Teachers
Evelyn Salgado
Bilingual Teacher
DSES Teachers
Christy Santiago
Diverse Learners Team
Jesus Santiago
School, Monitor
Operations Team
Atalia Saric
Kindergarten Teacher
DSES Teachers